
Graduation day comes, and you walk across that stage and receive your diploma. Then reality hits… What’s next? Some already have it figured out, but if you are like me and the majority of your peers, you’re feeling like you are about to go through a mid-life crises. No job, no money, the reality that you are about to go back home and live with your parents (because who wants to do that right?). It’s an overwhelming feeling. However through my own personal experiences I have accumulated a few simple concepts that will help make that transition to adulthood a pretty smooth one.

  1. This is YOUR life… Do not make any comparisons to anyone else.

It may seem as if Sally has it all together. You look on her social media and it seems like she is just living the picture perfect life. Well DUH!! Do you think Sally is going to tell you her struggles or even that she received help to get the things that she has? My guess is probably not. But that’s Sally’s life… this is YOURS. You are where you are for a reason. Trust the timing of your life. Things will work out when they are supposed to. Don’t Rush Anything…Be Patient!


This is probably the hardest part for Adults let alone a struggling college grad but it’s a simple concept that is going to pay off in the long run. Set a financial goal. Then set a budget to help you reach that financial goal. Create a rainy day fund (trust me you WILL need it) and realize that there are certain things that your money will be more beneficial towards. Bills are REAL Ladies and Gents and if you learn how to save and manage your money efficiently, those bills will be a piece of cake.

3.  More Yes’s, Less No’s… Step out of your comfort zone

By the time you reach a certain age, there are things that you are pretty stuck in your ways about and because of that, it’s easy to say No to certain things. Welp guess what, change that mentality. How are you going to know if you enjoy something if you do not even take the chance to do it? Do something out of your element. Join a book club, go see a play, watch a documentary on Animal Planet. SOMETHING NEW! You might just be surprised at what sparks your interest.


I cannot stress enough how important it is to travel. You need to experience other regions, and even countries to show you there is so much more to life that what you have been used to. Start small like a road trip to the next-door state, then gradually catch a flight to a beach, then stamp your passport and head out the country. Of course these are in no specific order but you need to have these experiences in order to keep a fresh outlook on life. Grab a friend or a group and take a trip. I guarantee you that memory will stay with you forever.

5. YOU WILL HAVE SET BACKS…. Suck that pride up and ask for help.

It’s going to happen, life is not perfect. It will throw its share of lemons your way. When it does, go ahead and make some really good lemonade. You might forget to pay a bill, might be short on money, didn’t get the promotion you were anticipating etc. .. That’s okay. If you need help, it’s okay to confide in someone you really trust and ask for their help. The help also doesn’t have to always be financial, it could be some advice, or a connect. I get it, a lot of people don’t want to ask for help because they don’t want anything thrown back in their face. I’m GUILTY! But what I’ve found is that if they are really your friends/family and genuinely care about your well-being, that won’t EVER happen. Again as stated previously, things happen for a reason. Embrace and appreciate the small things (such as being able to have all 5 senses) and it will make your setbacks seem so small.


Relax…. You got this… Live and enjoy every


Source: Vanessa Bryant